higher calling

  • Anointment of the Holy Spirit

    ‘For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink’ - 1Corinthians 12:13. What is the meaning of this? Why is the Holy Spirit given to us during our baptism? What did Jesus mention about the purpose of this anointment of the Holy Spirit of God? Is there a difference between baptism with the Holy Spirit and baptism with fire?

  • Doing Good & Preaching Truth

    Those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves and continue to do good.1Pet 4:19. The Petrine epistle says we need to do good. But the Bible deems all the so-called good things of this world as meaningless (Eccl 1:14, 2:1). So what good can we truly do to someone? Also some ask the question - Why do we need to tell the gospel to the world now? Won’t they just hear it in the Kingdom? Many just reject it in present times, don’t they?

  • Faith and Holiness

    One uber-crucial thing we achieve by running the gospel race - We prove our faith! According to Paul's letters, it's a basic requirement for a believer to announce the gospel. It's a test of faith. And another important purpose of our gospel work would be to discharge our priestly duty. Yes, the Bible declares every true Christian a priest. And performing this priestly duty is the way to attain holiness.

  • Repentance - A Change of Mind

    Disregarding centuries of misuse of the English word, when we go to the original Greek, we see that repentance (Greek: metanoia) means 'a change of mind'. So what is it that we need to change our minds about? Why does the Bible say mankind is in an unjustified state? In Old Testament times, God gave Israel a set of rules called the Law Covenant. What was the deal there? How is that related to sin? And why did God provide the Law covenant (the Old Testament) if he knew there would be a New Testament?

  • Share Christ's Sufferings

    Paul writes - Now if we are children, then we are heirs —heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. Romans 8:17.That sounds fair. Only if we participate in the sufferings of Christ would we get a share in his glory. What kind of sufferings did Jesus face? Is suffering like Christ only meant for the Apostles?

  • Studying, Fishing & Becoming Christ-like

    Christ, Mary and Martha

    We want to study the Scriptures more diligently and grow in our knowledge about God and Christ. How does the gospel race help us with that? Jesus promises his followers that he sends them out as fishers of people. How does that relate to our gospel race? Everyone wants to become Christ-like, don't we? Does the Bible explicitly mention anywhere a way to achieve that?

  • The Body of Christ

    How do we know whether someone belongs to the Body of Christ? Well, anyone who has dedicated his/her life to follow Christ’s footsteps after understanding the Bible’s foundational doctrines of the gospel of the kingdom of God belongs to the Body of Christ. But the Bible is huge. Can we really identify the essential foundations of the biblical Christian gospel? And if someone differs in those foundational doctrines, could they still be part of the Body of Christ?

  • The Calling of the Chosen

    Just like Apostle Paul predicted, savage wolves arose from among Christianity's own, distorted biblical truths and fooled a majority of the believers. And the mass deception lasted through many centuries, through the 1260 year Anti-Christ reign of the Papacy, continued in many forms even among the Protestant Reformation churches and is still widely prevalent today.  That's why all mainstream denominations today have a variety of doctrines that go against the foundational beliefs of original Christianity. So what is a true biblical believer to do in these times?

  • The Church

    Jesus Christ was the first to use the word 'Church' in the New Testament. Today, many think of churches as buildings. What is the Church actually, according to the Bible? The biblical root word for 'church' is the Greek ekklesia. What does that mean? How does the Bible describe the original churches? How does one become part of Jesus Christ’s Church? Are there any specific things that need to be done?

  • The Gospel Race: Things We Achieve

  • The Greatest Commandments of Love

    Christ suffering for mankind

    When asked what was the greatest commandment, Jesus replied – “Love (Greek: agape) the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love (agape) your neighbor as yourself” Matt 22:37-39. Greek has many words for love. Here Matthew uses agape. How is it unique? How can we show agape to God and humanity?

  • The Purpose of the Gospel Race

    Biblically, there's no room for any ambiguity that the Higher Calling of Christ's followers is to dedicate our lives to proclaim his gospel of the Kingdom to all of mankind. Looking at it superficially, it might seem like a trivial thing. But when we read the Scriptures, we understand why God asks us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to run this gospel race. His purpose is multi-fold. Let us dig deeper.

  • The Spirit vs The Flesh

    Jesus in Gethsemane

    “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Rom 8:5-6. Many think that a mind governed by the flesh refers to sin. But are acts of the flesh just sin alone? No, everything we do is an act of the flesh.

  • Tijelo Kristovo

    Kako znamo da li netko pripada Tijelu Kristovom? Pa, svatko tko je predao svoj život da slijedi Krista nakon što je razumio Biblijska temeljna učenja evanđelja o kraljevstvu Božjem pripada Tijelu Kristovom. Ali Biblija je ogromna knjiga. Možemo li mi zaista identificirati osnovne temelje biblijskog Kršćanskog evanđelja? I ako se netko razlikuje po pitanju tih temeljnih učenja, može li on i dalje biti dio Tijela Kristovog?

  • Tvoj Uzvišeni Poziv - Stvari koje treba činiti

    Razumijete li izvornu dobru vijest o otkupnoj cijeni koju je Isus platio na križu za Adama? Jeste li uzbuđeni zbog toga što će slavno Božje Kraljevstvo doći na Zemlju i kada će se cijelo čovječanstvo vratiti natrag u život i biti poučeno pravednosti pod Kristovom vladavinom? Da li želite vladati s njim tada? Jeste li svjesni biblijskih temelja izvornog Kršćanstva? Želite li slijediti Boga i Isusa Krista? Stoga što trebate činiti sada?

  • Unprofitable Things

    Jesus calls Tax Collector Matthew to follow him

    If the church is not called to fight sin, why do the Apostles advise us to avoid certain things? Paul writes to the Corinthians - ‘All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable’ - 1Cor 6:12. First of all, what an unabashedly bold statement! All things are lawful for the church! Yes, we stand justified by Christ, and hence God does not count sins we commit in our flesh. So all things are indeed lawful for us! But are all things profitable for the race marked out for us?

  • Your Higher Calling - Things to Do

    Do you understand the original good news of the ransom price Jesus paid on the cross for Adam? Are you excited about the glorious Kingdom of God that is to come upon the Earth when all of mankind shall come back alive and be taught righteouness under the reign of Christ? Do you want to reign with him then? Are you aware of the biblical foundations of original Christianity? Do you want to follow God and Jesus Christ? So what do you need to do now?

  • சுவிசேஷ ஓட்டம்: என்ன சாதிக்கிறோம்?

Scriptures, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scriptures indicated NASB are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.