El problema de muerte

Why do people die? Was it supposed to be this way? Were human beings destined to live and die as a natural order of things that atheists claim to be the case? Animals die, don’t they? What happens when a man dies? What did Jesus Christ say about death? Does science agree with the bible on the state of death? What is a soul according to the Bible? Can the soul die? What about the spirit? Won't that live on after death?

Leer más: El problema de muerte


If all of Adam’s race fall asleep in death as a penalty for Adam’s sin, how can the Bible (1Cor 15:22) promise ‘in Christ all will be made alive’? God declares in the Bible – ‘I will RANSOM them [mankind] from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death (Hosea 13:14). In 1Timothy 2:3-6, we see Paul describe how Jesus Christ fulfilled God's promise. In his explanation, what does he mean by these phrases - 'ransom for all', 'to be testified in due time' and 'to be saved and to come unto the truth'?

Leer más: El rescate DE LA HUMANIDAD

Tiempos de la restauración de todas las cosas

God is the Savior of ALL men, SPECIALLY of those that believe (1Tim 4:10 ASV). This scripture does promise God's redemption for ALL men and also a SPECIAL salvation for the believers. Does this mean everyone will get a free pass? And what exactly is this SPECIAL salvation promised for present-day believers? And Jesus says, 'To the one who does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations' (Rev 2:26 NIV). What are these nations and why are they going to be ruled by the followers of Christ?

Leer más: Tiempos de la restauración de todas las cosas

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