Who's the God of All of Us?

Less than a third of mankind is classified Christian today. Islam is the fastest growing world religion. There are a billion Hindus who worship thousands of gods. Men follow a whole array of other religions as well. Atheist groups deny the existence of any God at all. So, who of all these is right? Since all the Gods men worship are defined by their own ‘sacred books’, let us apply certain tests to the Bible and the other religious books and see which ones hold up. The two main tests would be science and history.

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Who's the God of Science?

Science is knowledge of the universe systematically accumulated by study, observation and experiments. The sacred books of all religions do make statements within the field of science. If a sacred book’sscientific observations turn out to be superstitions reflecting the culture of the book’s times, then that book becomes ineligible to actually be the Book of the true God. But if the statements of an ancient religious book perfectly agree with the discoveries of modern science, then that book must be the true God’s Scripture.

Leer más: Who's the God of Science?

Who's the God of History?

‘I declared the former things long ago and they went forth from My mouth, and I proclaimed them. Suddenly I acted, and they came to pass...Therefore I declared them to you long ago, Before they took place I proclaimed them to you’’ (Isaiah 48:3,5). It makes sense. Only the true God, the Architect of Man’s destiny, can foretell events of Man’s history. Where does this God make His prophetic declarations? Has any of it come true? And what about prophecies by other gods?

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