Scopul alergării pentru Evanghelie

 Theme TextIt is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13.

Biblically, there's no room for any ambiguity that the Higher Calling of Christ's followers is to dedicate our lives to proclaim his gospel of the Kingdom to all of mankind.

Looking at it superficially, it might seem like a trivial thing. But when we read the Scriptures, we understand why God asks us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to run this gospel race. His purpose is multi-fold. Let us first list down the things that the Scriptures teach about this topic and then dig deeper into each of them.

  1. By announcing Christ's gospel to mankind, we prove our faith in God and Christ! It's a very basic test of faith.
  2. The Bible declares every follower of Christ as a priest of God. And as we proclaim God's gospel, we fulfill our priestly duty and attain holiness.The Purpose of the Gospel Race
  3. When we share in Christ's sufferings for the gospel of the Kingdom, we will get a share in his glory and authority when the Kingdom is established.
  4. Living a life for Christ's gospel is the only way to do good to humanity. That's how we live good lives pleasing to God.
  5. A gospel life also helps us fulfill our duty to preach truth to the world.
  6. By proclaiming the gospel to the world, we fulfill the greatest commandments of love towards God and our neighbors, even our enemies and thereby attain perfection.
  7. As we run the gospel race together with our brothers and sisters in Christ, we build them up, help them in their races and essentially fulfill the new commandment of love towards the Body of Christ.
  8. As we do gospel work, we study the Scriptures more diligently and grow in our knowledge of God and Christ.
  9. When we go announce God's good news to the world, we become fishers of his elect from among the world.
  10. Living a life dedicated to proclaiming the gospel of Christ is the only way mentioned in the Bible to become Christ-like! That's how we do it.

Let us dig deeper into each of these things. Read Next: Proving our Faith & Attaining Holiness.


Scriptures, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scriptures indicated NASB are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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