
  • A Change of Age

    What are the events the Bible describes as related to the first resurrection? Just as there are two resurrections, so also there are two judgments. And so how is the Bema Seat Judgment different from the White Throne Judgment? What is to happen to Satan at the beginning of the Next Age? Why does the Bible say those who wake up in the second resurrection find themselves in a "krisis"?

  • A Hell of a Story

    Won’t it be alright to use hell fire (even if it’s false) as a threat to frighten people into submitting to God? Not really. A disappointed God says, ‘Their fear toward me is taught by the precepts of men’ (Isa 29:13). He rather desires a willingly obedient heart driven by love for Him and goodness - not by fear. And the idea of torment is abhorrent to God. God forbade torture in His Law. Would a God who commands us to love our enemies, wish to burn them forever?

  • An Age of Restoration

    Why does Peter promise that when Jesus returns, it will be the Times of Restitution of All Things? He says those times are described by the Holy Prophets of the Old Testament. What are the promises recorded in the Bible about this Age of Restoration? What do these Kingdom prophecies predict regarding justice, world peace, health and prosperity of mankind? What exactly is the future that God has in store for humanity?

  • Church Beliefs - The History

    What did the Early Church believe about the Kingdom? What happened in later centuries? What does the Encyclopedia Britannica record in terms of the kingdom beliefs of the church throughout the two-thousand year history since Jesus Christ? What do present-day Christians believe about the Kingdom? What are the differences between the Modernists, Fundamentalists and Spiritualists? Do any of them hold upto the Scriptural truths?

  • Church Beliefs on the Kingdom

  • Die Once, Face Judgment

    “People are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” Hebrews 9:27. When most people read this text, they just take it to mean that the present life of every human is some kind of test that each of us undergoes, at the end of which we die and then face God to be sentenced with reward or punishment based on our performance. Is this understanding scriptural? What is judgment according to the Scriptures?

  • Doing Good & Preaching Truth

    Those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves and continue to do good.1Pet 4:19. The Petrine epistle says we need to do good. But the Bible deems all the so-called good things of this world as meaningless (Eccl 1:14, 2:1). So what good can we truly do to someone? Also some ask the question - Why do we need to tell the gospel to the world now? Won’t they just hear it in the Kingdom? Many just reject it in present times, don’t they?

  • Empire of Yahweh

  • Fate of Adam & the Bad Guys

    Where are the dead at present? Is there any hope for them? There is a hell – SHEOL/HADES to which ALL our souls were condemned when Adam fell. That hell is the GRAVE. But there is hope! God promised to RANSOM us from the power of the grave [SHEOL] (Hosea 13:14). He sent Jesus (John 3:16) to die in place of Adam. Jesus paid Adam’s RANSOM and paved the way for the resurrection of all of Adam (Rom 5:12,18). Jesusis the RANSOM for ALL (1Tim 2:6). As in Adam ALL die, so in Christ ALL will be made alive (1Cor 15:22).

  • Fundamentalism - Earth to End?

    Fundamentalists claim the Earth is to be destroyed. Is that scripturally correct? Why does Jesus say the meek shall inherit the Earth? And why do Scriptures say 'the Earth abideth forever'? Is there a difference between the end of the age and the end of the world? Why does the Bible predict interesting events that happen on the Earth after the "fire" of God's jealousy devours the planet?

  • Good News (For Real)

  • Judgment Day

    Those of the second resurrection wake up to a "krisis" i.e. Judgment. It is indeed Judgment Day for them. But what exactly is Judgment Day? Why do Scriptures link it to the Kingdom of God? And how long is it? Is it a 24-hour day? And why does the Bible say the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness when God's judgments come upon the Earth?

  • Kingdom of Heaven

    Why does any Christian need to learn about the Kingdom of Heaven? Why does Jesus Christ ask us to pray for a Kingdom to come upon the Earth where God's will shall be done as it is in Heaven? Isn't the Kingdom of Heaven supposed to be rather in Heaven? Jesus went about the cities and villages preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. Compared to that, what is the predominant teaching regarding the Kingdom among present-day churches?

  • Kingdom of Heaven

  • Modernism - Is it possible?

    According to modernism, how can Man establish a righteous and peaceful kingdom on Earth all by himself? Is the Modernists’ claim really possible? Are we on our way to a Kingdom of Peace? And is their theory supported by Scriptures? What does the Bible say in this regard?

  • Resurrection of the Dead

    The Scriptures say that all the dead shall be raised back to life when Jesus returns. Will everyone come to life in an instant? The Bible says there are two resurrections. Why does it say, 'Blessed are those of the first resurrection'?

  • Return of Christ

    What do Daniel’s prophecies predict about world-controlling empires and governments? What happens after the fall of Rome, the last of the Great Empires? Who is the Son of Man who is to receive the kingdom and dominion from God?

  • Revelation 20:5 - A Maliciously Inserted Delay

    Scriptures state that Christ's kingdom that is to come on the Earth has a specific purpose. Christ and his proven followers will reign over the rest of the resurrected mankind for those thousand years and teach them righteousness. But one verse in Revelation (20:5) seems to contradict all the other Scriptures in claiming that the rest of mankind does not wake up during that time. What's the story there?

  • Salvation

  • Share Christ's Sufferings

    Paul writes - Now if we are children, then we are heirs —heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. Romans 8:17.That sounds fair. Only if we participate in the sufferings of Christ would we get a share in his glory. What kind of sufferings did Jesus face? Is suffering like Christ only meant for the Apostles?

Scriptures, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scriptures indicated NASB are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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